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variation to fac


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Just wondering what the average time is for a variation, obviously this will be force dependant. Also is there any appeal process is you dont get what you have asked for, especially if you have good reason for larger calibre


Its really force dependent I'd imagine, Leicestershire are pretty quick, normally within 5 days.


I imagine you can appeal, not sure of the process (or how much it'd help) though.

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Just wondering what the average time is for a variation, obviously this will be force dependant. Also is there any appeal process is you dont get what you have asked for, especially if you have good reason for larger calibre

mine took less than 2 weeks to process but i have had a few of my mates take up to 6 weeks .(dorset) it all depends on how busy they are and if the land is certified for that calibre rifle. if the land is not certified then expect a long wait as then some one has to view the land and that will take ages. plus it all depends on what your going to use the larger calibre for ( good reason ) is not always look good in there eyes.you might be able to appeal it but i would rather wait than upset your firearms department if they refuse it . i put in a variation for a larger calibre and had no trouble at all . good luck tho hope it goes well :angry:

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Just wondering what the average time is for a variation, obviously this will be force dependant. Also is there any appeal process is you dont get what you have asked for, especially if you have good reason for larger calibre



if you have good enough reason you will get it, if not then you can appeal but it will cost you and really be unlikely to work if your FEO has turned you down on valid grounds.


Come on what are you looking to apply for?

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sounds reasonable as long as you are after fox and red deer and have access to shoot them. Is this on a first grant or have you prior experience with rimfires etc


This is a variation to my fac.. I have access to reds and wild boar etc through the bloke that is mentoring me.

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This is a variation to my fac.. I have access to reds and wild boar etc through the bloke that is mentoring me.

No problems for you then - if they do somehow refuse, ask for it in writing with the reasons that they refused you ( makes them sit up and take notice, it also normally results in a quick turn around).

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