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Widdringtom Gun Club


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saw something similar to this further down and thought its worth a plug.


Widdrington Gun Club is a small club in South Northumberland that puts on a variety of shoots (DTL, ABT, Compact, Skeet and Sporting).We are in need of new members and new blood to bolster the long standing committee.We shoot on every Sunday of the month, and Wed. nights in the summer. Entries are 09.30-10.00. We finish shooting at 12.30 at the latest.

We have a rota system of: First week 25 Skeet and 25 other, 2nd week 50 Sporting, 3rd week 25ABT and 25DTL. 4th week is a club competition. If there is a 5 week month then on that day we have a fun day.stands are caged and have permanent DTL, ABT and Skeet layouts.Our prices are:- Annual membership £50,members pay £6.00/round, non-members pay £9/round. Fibre wads only which can be supplied at reasonable prices.

We have our own classification system for members and several trophy shoots each year.Refreshments are minimal,tea,coffee (free) and if your there early enough then hot sandwiches at £1.20

The ground is a bit hard to find if your not local but is just outside Widdrington Station opposite the old Junction pub.


If anyone is interested then pm me and i can sort you out with proper directions,


A number of people from here have already been and seemed to enjoy it... :angry:



Edited by shaun4860
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