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Crabapple Jelly


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Right then gents - having garnered 8lbs of 10p-sized crabapples (don't ask me what variety) I set about making jelly yesterday afternoon.


I made a bit of a pig's ear of straining it through the jelly bag and I wondered if anyone out there has got any jelly-making tricks?


All help appreciated.




PS: You'll be pleased to hear that it came out very well, if a bit sweet. Used 3/4lb soft light brown sugar to each pint of sieved liquor.

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If it hasn`t set then it didn`t get up to the right temperature,and you should get a jam thermometer it takes the guess work out of it.

The apples have pectin,the thing that sets it,and to release it,it has to reach the correct temperature and it is surprising how long it takes as it is boiling at one temperature for 5-10 mins and then all of a sudden it goes up to temperature(103-104"C)

I`ll get me anorak :lol:;):)

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Spoke to my jam guru at church yesterday, and she said that I could quite legitimately re-boil the jelly.


I warmed it slowly and then brought it up to the boil, and boiled it for a good five minutes. It has set a treat, but the volume has been reduced by a jar's worth.


I think on that basis, that I used too much water to start it off. Hopefully, round two will be a more instantanious success.


Any solutions to my jelly bag problem (other than more arms)? :D



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AHhhhh...now I know where you`re coming from.

If you have got the older style kitchen chairs,then place one on the table upside down,then place your jug or bowl on the underside of the seat,then attach the jelly bag to the cross pieces with clothes pegs.


I should be ashamed at this "Domesticity !"


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That's got to be better than my attempts with my wooden clothes horse, which now has a light coating of crabapple puree... It wouldn't set in the jar, but boy oh boy does it set everywhere else! :<


Great success last night with pork chops and chicken pieces slathered in the unset jelly and a little chilli. 3hrs at gas mark 3, uncovered for the last hour.



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