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Applying for FAC - coterminous SGC or not?

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Hello chaps,


I'm thinking of applying for my FAC and currently hold a SCG which still has 4 years and 5 months left to run.


I'm a little confused about whether or not it's worth going coterminous?


I read the following on the Police website:


If the holder of a shotgun certificate applies for the grant of a firearm certificate, he has three options:


* Firstly, he can apply for the grant of the firearm certificate at the same time as renewing his shotgun certificate, thus taking advantage of the reduced fee for the latter.

* Secondly, he can apply for the grant of the firearm certificate and wait and renew his shotgun certificate coterminously when it expires, paying the full fee on this occasion but a reduced fee on the next renewal.

* Thirdly, he can surrender his shotgun certificate early and apply for renewal which would be issued on the same day as his new firearms certificate, and pay the reduced fee for the shotgun certificate.



I can't really figure out the difference between options 1 and 3?


But, if I'm reading and understanding the rest of it correctly, I can:



*Apply for coterminous when I send my FAC application off. So, £50+£10 now and then renew at £40+£10.


*Get the FAC now for £50 and always renew SGC and FAC separately for £40+£40. Seems like a silly option


*Get the FAC now for £50, then wait until my SGC certificate is due to expire (in 4 years 5 months). Then renew SGC coterminously for the full fee of £40...but I think the SGC would then only last 7 months (as that would be when my FAC would be due to expire). Then renew coterminously for £40+£10 from then on in.


Sorry for the long post, but as you might be able to tell, I'm confused what the best option is since the SGC has so long to run!


Thanks in advance. :yes:

Edited by Wiffmaster
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*Get the FAC now for £50, then wait until my SGC certificate is due to expire (in 4 years 5 months). Then renew SGC coterminously for the full fee of £40...but I think the SGC would then only last 7 months (as that would be when my FAC would be due to expire). Then renew coterminously for £40+£10 from then on in.


As far as I'm aware when your SGC expires you can choose to surrender your FAC early, so then you'd pay £40 + £10 and receive a new SGC and a new FAC. For the sake of a tenner I'd probably get it done now though.

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my FEO suggested going co terminus straight away and actually only wanted the basic information on the SGC form with no extra referees etc. Makes their life simpler if you renew them together and obviously makes it far cheaper in the long run for you.

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