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Variation question! Help....


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Variation question! Help.... just need some info on a Variation on my License i have a 17HMR and I'm wanting to add a .22LR to my ticket! what do i need to do. also what reason do i need to give on the paper work..


I don't need to add the referees again do i!

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OK Mate, From what you are saying you want to add a .22LR on to your FAC which has 17HMR on it and you want to know how to go about it. You need to ask your Firearms Office for a Variation form. When that arrives you fill it in and where it asks for what additions you want you put .22LR (Either B/A or S/A) and don't forget to put in for a moderator if you want one and the amount of ammunition you want to both hold and buy! Where it asks for the reason tell them that you want the 17HMR for "Longer Range Day Time Vermin Control" and you want the .22LR with moderator for short range vermin control such as lamping! This is what I said and got both the 17HMR and the .22LR S/A with Lancashire Constabulary.

The addition will cost you an extra £27.50 (I believe that is the correct price) and you should not need to supply any more character references as it is a variation rather than a fresh application.

I believe that this information is correct, if it is not I am sure that someone will correct me!


Good luck mate!

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That's right Don't specify action type or you'll be tied down to that specific action. Stating .22 rifle is adequate. As for the reason...either target shooting or vermin shooting or both. Getting a .22 after a .17HMR will be easy. The form you use is the same form as the full application form. Just tick the variation box at the top. No referees or countersignatory are required. The FET will not need to visit you and will simply call you by phone for any queries unless you fit another safe. You will have to pay for the variation unless you have any other free unused slots you can use instead for a one to one variation. If you have to pay you may aswell go for some other rifles, that way you can expand for free in the future. If you are a member of a club these will be easy to justify having.

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