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Lightforce lamp question


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Evening Gents,


I was wondering if you guys might be able to offer some help on a problem i'm pondering. I have a scope mounted 170, which is a cracking lamp, I'm doing more vehicle work at the moment, so I've purchased a RC handle and am making a suction mount for the roof for it. Now I'm perfectly happy with the 170 as it is plenty lamp for the bunnys / odd fox.


I don't particularly want to purchase another 170, so was thinking of a way to mount the two. So far I've come up with, A) purchase another scope mount. and drill / glue a piece of thredded bar in and attach that to the remote handle so that the lamp can just be clipped on and off. :rolleyes: try to find / make a bracket akin to the one on the RM170.


What are your thoughts?

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Thanks for the replies chaps.


I've come up with a solution, and for those who may be interested / find it useful i'll post it here.




I have made a thread adapter, using two bolts. one bolt was drilled through the top and tapped to accept the smaller bolt which was threaded in with loctite. The smaller bolt was cut and the amount of thread left to suit.


to convert between scope attached mode and rc mount, all i have to do is undo the screw that holds the small clip plate on the lamp. and then screw the lamp onto the handle.

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