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shooting might be avileble

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Hi Blister

Would like to give it a go with you but unfortnately can't do this weekend due to work, if you do it again give me a shout i have 22rf, 22magnum semi auto, 222cf,243 cf and a 308 all on open ticket i also have 2 labradors and a 4x4 kawasaki quad bike.

Cheers Geordie

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  • 2 weeks later...
high lads just been given permission to shoot new land but hold first before you say i will come which is no prob need to sort out the bounderys first and get it in writing got it of good friends who i gave land to that i could not shoot so they have repayed the favour if anyone from warwickshire they will know arby hall the fields back on to the woods loads of munjack and its the flight line for the pigeions lot of foxes and rabbits my mate sys she needs it clearing of her rape and if anything comes on her land get rid they will be invites for people as i cant shoot it on my own and i wont be charging £20 .00 ashoot with soup and a roll have to have a dig sorry i should know by the weekend when i get paper work so if you have shotgun and rifle and yes i have had it checked by the feo about the land its coverd for .17hmr .22lr and shoot gun i will post it up when sorted i am looking at making a weekend out of it so you can lamp as well it should be fun if anything but bring your own kit no one is staying in my biffy lol you need your licencess and your ins numbers this is not a one of its perm land plus i have other land with ponds witch is full of canadian geesse which is in a6 mile radius and farm land aswell you dont have to do the weekend but thought it would be fun singing around the camp fire lmao dont eat beans near the camp fire lol you dont need to be experiance if you fancy it they will be people there to give you the experiance we all need to learn thats why i am putting this up to give the novice the chance of agood shoot thanks

Just got SGC and insurance and live north but would welcome the chance. Please keep me in mind


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A number of posts casting doubts on this offer have been made and removed.


In fairness nobody is asking for money and nobody is sending any money, so just give the OP time to respond to all the enquiries he has received.


Negative responses to these sorts of offers have caused many to be withdrawn in the past.

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A number of posts casting doubts on this offer have been made and removed.


In fairness nobody is asking for money and nobody is sending any money, so just give the OP time to respond to all the enquiries he has received.


Negative responses to these sorts of offers have caused many to be withdrawn in the past.



I have always had the opinion to ive trust and respect to offers. Perhaps all those who slag off are just the half empty brigade who will constantly derride anyone who tries to be decent and organise for others.

I ws a volunteer for over 20 years, organising events and activities without payment. More often than not without thanks. Got knocked and doubted many times but what happed? Anyone who knocked did NOT ge a look in.

Come on now, we are members of PW to support our sort. If the antis keep seing negatives from members, it just gives them more ammunition against us.

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