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jill jab


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hi guys

need a bit af advice does anyone know of a vets in the merseyside area who can administer a jill jab to my 2 jills as ive phoned over 7 vets in the area and so far the cheapest quotes are £23 for each jill but most are quoting approx £70 (as they dont stock the product and would have to order it in)

i don't mind paying the £23 but most are telling me that i will probably have to get another injection every 6 months (is this correct) if no one can recommend a vets does anyone have a vasectomised hob i could hire/borrow to bring them out of season

cheers joe

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I had all of mine neutered, as the wife did not want to put up with the smell. I tried the jilljabs but they went back into season after afew months. A hobble is a very good choice.


My ferret vets are Rees and Reeves in warrington. Try the following also: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/ferreter/vetlist.htm


Mine charges £12 but other people can get it for £6 shop around as much as possible.

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