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bunnie pellet


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I was out the other night with my .177 Wolf (first outing for this gun, and my first time hunting bunnies with .177) and Logun Penetrators which seemed to group quite well on the plinking range. I used to think my .22 was a great tool for rabbuts, but these .177 Penetrators are totally clinical! I shot four pellets at about 30-35yds, each one landed bang-on right behind the eye, and the rabbits fell over like they were blocks of wood - no leaping in the air, no kicking, no fuss. One of them simply slumped down onto its tummy like it had just fallen asleep.


So no more faffing about testing pellets for me - I've found the combination I'm going to stick with.

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I was out the other night with my .177 Wolf (first outing for this gun, and my first time hunting bunnies with .177) and Logun Penetrators which seemed to group quite well on the plinking range. I used to think my .22 was a great tool for rabbuts, but these .177 Penetrators are totally clinical! I shot four pellets at about 30-35yds, each one landed bang-on right behind the eye, and the rabbits fell over like they were blocks of wood - no leaping in the air, no kicking, no fuss. One of them simply slumped down onto its tummy like it had just fallen asleep.


So no more faffing about testing pellets for me - I've found the combination I'm going to stick with.


Also sold As Exterminators @ £10.00 for 500 .177 9.50's or .22 16's





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Hi supadonk

clubshot is saying that logan penetrators are also sold under the name Exterminators just a lot cheaper and under either name are brill i personally have not found a gun yet that they dont go pellet on pellet in .22 and guess the same for .177

i have used interceptors and although not bad are not in the same time zone as Exterminators but you pay £ IMO money well spent

we all buy the best gun we can afford why not so with amo

i would rather pay more and hit more than pay less and miss more


happy safe shooting



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Strange, becaue I have yet found a gun in either .177 or .22 that is anywhere near accurate enough using Defiants, Logun Penetrators or othe Pax pellets. Even if they hit the target they are only any good for rabbits IMO as they go straight through pigeons and smaller quarry leaving them wounded but not dead.

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Strange, becaue I have yet found a gun in either .177 or .22 that is anywhere near accurate enough using Defiants, Logun Penetrators or othe Pax pellets. Even if they hit the target they are only any good for rabbits IMO as they go straight through pigeons and smaller quarry leaving them wounded but not dead.


Well, I can only describe my own limited experience with them last weekend. Four rabbits between 30-35yds, each of them hit right behind the eye, and they all fell over stone dead. Haven't tried shooting pigeons with them, but I expect if the shot placement is good, they'll still fall over stone dead even if the pellet does exit the other side. I'm happy to admit that 4 shots isn't enough to be a useful sample, but I'll keep plugging with them and report back after a few months.


I *did* try my hand at HFT yesterday though with my new, confidence-inspiring pellets, and shot my worst score EVER! But I put that down to being **** at standers & kneelers, which accounted for 20 of the 30 targets. Not my day.

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