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Good luck with it guys. I am thinking of doing my DSC later this year, can either of you tell me roughly what it is going to cost please?


as per the BDS website: http://www.bds.org.uk/course_dates.html


"THE CURRENT [DSC1] COST for 2010 is £295.00 including materials and tuition. The cost does NOT include travel, accommodation, food or any ammunition used."

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Another tip with the shooting test,have a good look at the circle on the deer target,its not visible at 100yds so get a close look. Now I would say the circle is a bit on the high side really but the test is to get the shots in the circle, one chap failed because he had one of his final attempts just outside the circle, if it had been a deer it would have probably gone through the bottom of the heart.

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has any one done it with Reeves near Aylesbury?


There is some great information here.



All the question papers are available here.




I was put on to Simon after meeting a stalker who had done his DSC1 with him.

He is a really nice fella, and I had a few conversations with him on the phone, but due to time constraints I did my DSC1 with BASC at Essex Shooting Ground, which is an excellent venue.



The best video for the Deer identity is the updated 'Britains Deer', which can be bought from the BDS (not the BASC one) for about £20.





For anybody doing their DSC1 just read the manual as many times as you can, practice the questions, and watch the video and you will be fine.


The shooting test is easy, but nerves can get the better of you, but if you normally get good groups out to 100yds, you just have to do what you do and you will pass.


My boss did his DSC1 a few years ago, and he was surprised how much he had gotten mixed up since then, so it pays to re-read the manual every now and then as a form of refresher.




Cooter :)

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