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Pigeon in the rain


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Went out tuesday on drilled barley about 200 birds on the field when i got there a big field about 40 acres set up under a hedge with the wind over my right shoulder plenty of grain on the surface, just set the decoys out and the rain started it rained for 2 hours all i shot was 3 crows and 1 pigeon then the rain stopped and a few pigeons started to come to the decoys shot another 28 in the next 2 hours then it hissed down so i packed up me and the Cocker came home soaked to the skin still the Cocker needed the work. this morning i breasted of the pigeons, had a look at there crops there some on wheat some on barley some on old maze from the game cover strips some on clover some on rape and 2 on ivy berries a bit of a mixed bag.

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