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unusual gage shotguns

night owl

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'gage' is actually spelt gauge.


.410 is a bore not a gauge, ie. .410 bore and if it was to be measured by the same method as a 12 or 20 gauge, a .410 would be more like 60.


The 'gauge' of a shotgun is measured by how many lead balls the same size as the barrel bore make a pound.


A 16 gauge shotgun will fit an ounce ball in the bore, and 16 of these will make a pound.


As for the original question, I have never seen any odd calibre shotguns before, so this may make interesting reading.


All the best,

SSS :good:

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A .410 would be 67 gauge, but someone somewhere decided to rebrand it as the 36 gauge. You have to admit, it trips off the tongue more easily than sixty seven gauge.


Odd gauges are less popular now, but they're still about. Beretta makes new 24 gauge guns, if you're interested.

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