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Hypothetical question


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This may sound odd but bear with me.

If someone dropped thier shotgun off at an RFD then did not renew their cert or died/ moved away etc or just didn't bother to collect it what would happen? Is it like a dry cleaners where if you dont collect your suit after 60 days they sell/dispose of it?


IF they realised would another cert holder be able to then collect it? On their behalf or instead of them


Example Joe Bloggs drops gun at RFD then falls in love with Jane Gold and moves to Venezuela to farm 7 legged goats SGC expires but Joe doesnt care and doesnt inform anyone as now he lives in Venezuela.... Could "Dave the Clay" go and get the gun from RFD pay off storage costs and keep it?


If Joe tells Dave you can "ave it" can Dave sort it out with RFD?

Does Joe need to tell RFD to release to Dave? In Writing?

Edited by HDAV
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This may sound odd but bear with me.

If someone dropped thier shotgun off at an RFD then did not renew their cert or died/ moved away etc or just didn't bother to collect it what would happen? Is it like a dry cleaners where if you dont collect your suit after 60 days they sell/dispose of it?


IF they realised would another cert holder be able to then collect it? On their behalf or instead of them


Example Joe Bloggs drops gun at RFD then falls in love with Jane Gold and moves to Venezuela to farm 7 legged goats SGC expires but Joe doesnt care and doesnt inform anyone as now he lives in Venezuela.... Could "Dave the Clay" go and get the gun from RFD pay off storage costs and keep it?


If Joe tells Dave you can "ave it" can Dave sort it out with RFD?

Does Joe need to tell RFD to release to Dave? In Writing?


You got something you want to share with the group HDAV? It's very hot and humid in Venezuala and they have snakes and big hairy spiders that run up your legs and nibble on your testicles! :lol:

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Not considering a move into farming 7 legged goats yet...Lets someone did something like Joe above but didn't use a RFD?

Interesting point really how long can you go on holiday for? With guns left in an unoccupied house?

Edited by HDAV
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Well, when you give up your gun for a certain amount of time am i right in thinking that it is no longer on your cert? If that's the case it's not really your gun anymore in the laws eyes so i suppose it could be sold on. This is just speculation though.

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my mate is an rfd a bloke left a styer mannlicher 308 and a couple of shotguns then moved to spain seven years ago havnt been heard of since i tried to buy the rifle but he didnt know what to do

There must be something unless RFD didn't have T&C's stating that none payment of storage costs etc there must be some case law, precedent or something that after something is left it becomes yours?


Paul is your RFD mate Local i.e. South Wales?

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There must be something unless RFD didn't have T&C's stating that none payment of storage costs etc there must be some case law, precedent or something that after something is left it becomes yours?


Paul is your RFD mate Local i.e. South Wales?

yes mate near caerphilly but hes in australia for 2 weeks he shoots for the british team

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I might be wrong but the original owner would be the legal owner regardless of whether they were on ticket or not. the ticket only gives you the right to own or acquire, and since he has already bought it he owns it but as his ticket has lapsed he can't be in possetion of it

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Oh I also have an issue, I might go working on cruise ships soon (casino dealer) and you do like 5-6 month stints on them, as long as no one having access to my guns can I just leave them at home in my cabinet all locked up?


I think so. As long as the cabinet is still at your primary residence and you keep your keys with you on the trips. You also have to send a letter to your local firearms licensing office informing them of the situation.

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