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Logun Mk2 Professional

bullet boy

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Logun Mk2 Professional-Anyone else got one and what do you think of them?Ive just got one and personally think its Superb?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.




I had one some years back- in .177 - loved the chrome cocking bolt and the way pellets are loaded- shame I SOLD IT REALLY :rolleyes: :oops:I shot many tree rats with that rifle


Enjoy that superb rifle and the after sales is very good too for servicing etc


Les :good:

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I had one some years back- in .177 - loved the chrome cocking bolt and the way pellets are loaded- shame I SOLD IT REALLY :no: :oops:I shot many tree rats with that rifle


Enjoy that superb rifle and the after sales is very good too for servicing etc


Les :yes:


Thanks Lez.This rifle could be the best ever!The cocking of the bolt is so smooth and accuracy is incredible putting pellet on pellet at 35 yards.I`m a very Happy Chappy! :good::lol::no::lol::no:

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I have had the privelege of trying out quite a lot of different Airguns over the years and I do love my S410K and Rapids but I gotta say this Logun MK2 is something else-Awesome rifle that could possibly be the Greatest Airgun of all time in my opinion-it's that good!! :yes: :yes:

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have one I really like it, but it does not get much shooting time. I was having a little trouble with accuracy until I found a set screw on my barrel loose.


I have been thinking about selling it, but people keep telling me I need to keep it. You do not see one for sell very often.



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I have one I really like it, but it does not get much shooting time. I was having a little trouble with accuracy until I found a set screw on my barrel loose.


I have been thinking about selling it, but people keep telling me I need to keep it. You do not see one for sell very often.




They are quite rare to see one selling Secondhand these days.

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Logun after sales service is brilliant- I had an indexing problem and sent it back to Logun- they replaced the spring and returned it within a week free of Charge


I dont have airguns now as Im into rimfire Centre Fire and shotguns- If I had to buy another sub 12 ft/lbs rifle it would be a Logujhn Mk1 Professional


Mine was in .177 had an AGS Swat 4-16 x56 and a Logun carbon fibre moderator- I miss it now youve brought this thread up :hmm:


Just my 10p's worth




Edited by Lez325
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never heard a bad word said about them



Ask any gun dealer around and you will hear a lot of bad things said about them. Nobody wants to touch them because of the amount of work involved. 16 O rings before the pellet gets down the barrel. My son in law has one which sprung a leak, so I stripped it down . ( 3 dealers refused to touch it ). To many working parts and to many potential air leaks through 16 O rings. It was a complete nightmare. It seems to me this gun was just thrown together with any spare parts they could find with little or no thought behind it. The gun is now back in full working order however, without the air leak and my son in law has now bought himself an s410. ( The Logun ? ) Under his bed where I hope it stays for many years to come. :hmm::lol::good::lol:

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Then send it back to Logun- they have a lifetime guarantee- pray tell why you have not done that rather than embarking on a diy strip down?:good: I have a manual in front of me and NO WAY is there 16 O rings- not on a Mk1 professional in .177 at any rate


Just curious :hmm:


Les :lol:

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