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Got my first fox tonight


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I went out tonight with my father in law on to one of his permissions. It's only 4 fields and we just do a bit of bunny shooting once or twice a month. We arrived at 8.30pm and had to wait a few minutes as a dog walker was walking across the footpath that runs through one of the fields. 10 minutes later and we were making our way to the first gate when there in the lights was bunny no.1, 60yd head shot - in the bag!

We walked into the first field and scanned the new light - the lightforce 170 and saw some big eyes staring back from the long grass. At first we both thought it was a cat so I held back on the trigger. A few seconds later and it came out of the long grass into full view, a fox! I waited a few seconds until he was broad side on, cross hairs lined up and a squeeze of the trigger and down he went.

Another rabbit and that was the session over!


Unfortunately I didn't have my camera as I thought we'd just be bunny bashing!


Morals from tonight - always have 100% ID of your quarry, and always take a camera (just in case!)


Anyway, pleased as punch tonight!! :good:

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nice one :good:


the last two nights ive been out lamping ive nearly had a fox, first night i couldnt get a positive id, just had the eyes in the crosshairs, last night i ID'd him ok, had him in the crosshairs for a split second and my mate moved the lamp, followed by lots of swearing and "no you muppet i said left! NO! your other ******* left!!" before we totally lost him :lol:


:lol: :lol: :D

Edited by Ozzy Fudd
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