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Old Cover Crop


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After a couple of lean weeks on the pigeon my old man went up the farm yesterday to check out the peas. He wasnt expecting much and normally calls it a day at around 1530-1600, so i was a bit surprissed last night to see his car by the barns when i went up to check my magpie traps after work.


The boss has just ploughed in all the cover crop and top dressed it ready to be re-drilled with next seasons cover. Dad said that there were around 50 in the trees by one large strip but nothing on the ground. He decided to stay around an old straw barn to see if any would come back. He waited around an hour and only had 3 come into the trees. So he decided to put the 3 dead pigeons out onto the dressed ground and with further inspection saw that there was still alot of maize still on top.


At around 1300 the birds started to come into the 3 deeks. He sais that during the last hour of shooting (around 1600-1700) the pigeons poured in with 1's, 2's, 5's 10's and 20's coming into the ever increasing pattern. When i got there at around 1730ish he was just packing up with 41 in the bag. Not a bad afternoon shooting considering this time of year we find that the pigeons are too busy breeding than feeding!


Looking back in the diary this is the best shoot we have had in April and like i said earlier we never expect to much when we go up the farm in this month.


I am well chuffed for him this is the first bit of proper decoying he has had this year and probably since the barley was laid as we never had many on the stubble last summer for some reason. The benefits of being retired while i am stuck at work he is out doing what he loves and getting a tan at the same time! Oh well he has earned it!


Im up there again tonight to check the traps out and to do a bit of rabbiting witht he bosses son. Hopefully we will boll a few rabbits over and i can have the last laugh!!!!


Cheers for reading. Pete

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Not as good on it yesterday. He got up there early but again they didnt start hitting it until the afternoon. Dad has his mate with him and together they took out another 20. He did say they where shooting like a couple of muppets tho. Im going to have a crack at it tomorrow. Might have a lay in and get up there for the afternoon. I just hope they are still on it. They have got a rest today so fingers crossed!



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