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Is there anyone in the NPPC from cheshire or manchester? If there is now do you find it ? I am thinking of joining, but the permissions appear to be mostly in Yorkshire. I would be interested in peoples opinions on how easy they have found the traveling and the likes.

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Is there anyone in the NPPC from cheshire or manchester? If there is now do you find it ? I am thinking of joining, but the permissions appear to be mostly in Yorkshire. I would be interested in peoples opinions on how easy they have found the traveling and the likes.

i;m from st helens about 20 miles from you and yes lots up yorkshire end but a fair bit round staffordshire area shot both areas and done well from both you get bad days like anywhere else but had more good than bad.

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Thanks Yickdaz for that. Given what permission is like round here I think it might be a good bet. At the moment I trek into wales. so I suppose it is no worse than that.

nearest land to me on nppc list is between 65 miles and 75miles in yorkshire with more land further away also nearest in staffs is 70 miles with land further away than that also but i set meself a boundary on how far to travel to look for birds lthe land in both counties can be traveled to in 1hr 15 mins. also when you get to know the fields you can shoot mainly rape that same field might be wheat or barley etc the year after so increases your chance to shoot birds and when out looking at cut rapefields if not cut or no pigeons on them .i have found birds on the barley or wheat stubble fields quick phone call to john off you go.

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