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Going well but...

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Daisy's doing quite well really lately training wise but a problem really has come to a head.....


Daisy's not keen on my dad (I live with my parents at the moment), she cowers from him and barks at him, quite aggressively at times.


I think I know why; He doesn't act quite "normal" (I don't mean that in a nasty way) and he spends a fair bit of time with the ferrets and smells of them. Dad's never done anything to her, not even raised his voice, If he takes daisy for a walk or has something she wants (food), she's fine with him for that little while but not any other time.


Anyone know what I can do to cure this as there's talk of "if she doesn't start behaving, her days here are numbered" which I really dont want as she's quickly become my best friend ;)

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How old is she ? My lab went through a phase when younger of just barking at men but was fine with women, sometimes they just go through lil phases lol, just dont encourage it, light tap on the nose maybe to show its not ok. Nothing hard is needed. All the best :good:

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Thanks guys, she's about 14 months now, she'll stop as soon as I raise a hand to hit (tap) her so she must be learning it's wrong I guess.


By a squirt of water in the face - would you say a plant sprayer type thing (atomiser?) on squirt rather than mist or a water pistiol would be enough?

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Your Dad needs to make better friends with the dog. More walks, time spent together, that sort of thing. She needs to see him as a friend and potential source of treats, walks, and generally good experiences. Go out together and involve your Dad in the training program. Ask him to feed her every now and then.

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