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discreet hunter

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:good: so you normally vote for a party who wants to stay british..but voted for a party who wants to be europien to keep out a party who will stay british :lol::lol::lol::D:lol:

Well you must be the only person that thinks we can afford to prop up the EU. I heard Cameron was in talks with Norman Lamont, to see how best to raise interest rates to the levels of the eighties. How does 18% sound, I can't wait to see the faces of the buy to let market... B)


Also, I think very carefully about my politics, which cannot be said for the majority of the UK population. The conservatives are for the rich, they have never helped the working man since the Enclosures Act, but I doubt if you know what that is.


1% of the uk population earn more than 100k and only 10% earn more than 40k. So what of the other 90% of the uk population, it beggars belief that anyone from the 90% majority would vote for the Conservatives. Politics is skewed in this country towards the conservatives, it should be, they made it that way.


If we get PR, unlikely, we might see the other 35% of the population getting their fat backsides to the polling stations.


Jsper, please have the decency to spell correctly when you criticise someones intelligence.






PS. I vote UKIP because we do not have a Republican party, if you can't understand what that means have a look here, I am a paid up member and take my Politics very seriously, as should you.

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I heard Cameron was in talks with Norman Lamont, to see how best to raise interest rates to the levels of the eighties. How does 18% sound



Oh, go on then - where did you hear that one? :good:


You seem to be privy to something that the wider world hasn't cottoned on to yet

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Also, I think very carefully about my politics, which cannot be said for the majority of the UK population. The conservatives are for the rich, they have never helped the working man since the Enclosures Act, but I doubt if you know what that is.


here, I am a paid up member and take my Politics very seriously, as should you.



I disagree Conservatives are only for the rich, someone earning over £40k a year is not rich, doing alright but not rich.


And how would increasing NI as Labour wanted to be good for the 'working man'?


I think they have sensible policies to get money back in the pocket of the 'working man' and cut the waste of the last 13 years.

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I disagree Conservatives are only for the rich, someone earning over £40k a year is not rich, doing alright but not rich.


And how would increasing NI as Labour wanted to be good for the 'working man'?


I think they have sensible policies to get money back in the pocket of the 'working man' and cut the waste of the last 13 years.

You seem to think I am a Labour man, not sure why. I don't think any of the top three parties will sort the problem out, the problem is the Politicians not the party. Politics is too deep a subject to resolve on this forum. If you take politics seriously join a party that you believe in. I would say if you are below the 40k earnings bracket, you are working class IMO.


The Norman Lamont thing was a jibe at the Tories, sorry for having a joke... :good:



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And how has your life changed by that decision?


Apart from you have to have a single shot conversion done on your walting fantasy AK-47 lookalike. Did you really ever need a semi auto centrefire rifle? Or did you just want one along with all the FAC shotgun wanting "lock and load boys"


No real reason it would just be cool


Just a matter of principle really. Don't engage in knee jerk reactions and pass totally irrational laws when there is no need for them.


Now you're going to argue that an FAC shotgun is wrong in some way?

Haha. Jealousy much?

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