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Out with the AA s410


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Had an hours stroll round one the horse paddock this evening. It was the first opportuninty to take the s410 carbine out that I recklessly treated myself to a couple of months ago. First shot, was at 35 yards and with that pellet on bone crack, I knew it had found its mark. Making my way to the other end of the field where a few group up on a bank, I had the second 42 paces. Again, clinical ( as they say) head shot, dropped like a stone. As I approached the bank, Charlie appeared and sauntered through the centre scattering the 5 or six rabbits that were there :good: I am sure had I waited half an hour or so they would have come back out but unfortunately I had to go.

Anyway, the s410 has been christened :lol: And yup, its a .177 :hmm:

Group photo, big bunnies too!


Edited by turbo33
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