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Theoben gas strut for lightning XL

G man

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Hi Folks,

Read a bit about these gas struts,my questions are as follows.


1) Does fitting this increase power (ft/lbs) to make it illegal. :<


2) is it more accurate than spring. :lol:


3) any disadvantages? :blink:


BTW it is a .22 lightning i have,only put around 1200 pellets through it and quite happy with it,feels great and very accurate up to 25yds then struggles a bit,but that might be me,Have found AA field the best pellet after trials with various pellets.





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Theoretically it should not alter the power if you are fitting a ram designed for the rifle. Fitting a Theoben ram into a Lightning then god alone knows whether it will even fit or not!

Another way of getting into trouble is fitting a .177 ram into a .22 rifle.


Take it to a gunsmiths, better safe than sorry.

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as long as you order the correct ram, it wont effect the power of the rifle at all. But it should make it more consistent! and that should have a knock on effect to its accuracy. i.e. if every velocity is practicaly the same then every pellet should hit close to where your pointing the rifle.


so yes it should be a little more accurate than the spring, the gas ram removes a lot of the recoil from a spring rifle, making the recoil very short and sharp compared to the slow recoil of the spring. It alos quietens the rifle down and is worth the price of the ram just as a silencer.


the only disadvantage i can think of is it adds very little value to a second hand gun :blink:


ROB :lol:


PS not that many peolple want to sell a gas ramed coverted rifle

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OK Guy,s thanks for the replies,I think for the present time i will stick with spring and try to improve my shooting rather than blame my gun,I can group around ten pellets within an inch from 25yds but do get some flyers,probably down to me though. :blink:




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OK Guy,s thanks for the replies,I think for the present time i will stick with spring and try to improve my shooting rather than blame my gun,I can group around ten pellets within an inch from 25yds but do get some flyers,probably down to me though. :thumbs:




what shooting position are you using?


what pellets are you using?


sounds pretty good to me :D



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Stick with the spring until it needs replacing, then put a gas strut in, that what I say. Will last forever, and they are really good. Having used a Fenman, I can vouch for the consistency etc. I've been promising myself that I'll buy one ever since. That was about 6 years ago!


Unfortunately, Theoben dont make a gas ram to fit my HW95, otherwise I'd have no hesitation in fitting one instead of a new mainspring.

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I have been using Air Arms Field after trying Accupell and Milbro caledonian which was supplied with gun,I have been using a rest i made ,but not bad groupings in the kneeling position as well (perhaps around six within 2" and the odd **** shot outside of this.


PS don,t really know the capability of this gun till i have had it for a while.But i guess it could be good if i can stop moving about :thumbs:



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have a look here mate.......


bfta technical skills manual


ok dont let the title put you off there is a load of info you can get from downloading the technical skills manual, well worth the couple of mins.


when it comes to shooting s pring rifle, i always tell people to hold it as if it were a feather, dont pull it into your shoulder like most other rifles, just rest it in your hands and let it recoil the way it wants to and always have your hand between a hard surface and the rifle.


if you can get a decent grouping like that wihtout trying too hard i think you will be very suprised how good you become with a bit of practise :thumbs:


ps alomst forgot the other golden rule for a springer! follow thru! when you squeeze the trigger keep it pulled back and looking through the scope until you have seen where the pellet stricks dont come off aim until then.


and if your havign trouble keeping a steady aim, if your using a zoom scope turn the mag down a little (normaly i use 4-6x mag in the field) and start with the rifle aiming high and squeeze the trigger as you slowly lower the rifle onto the target where you want to hit.



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