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The Black ones


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I think if it's just a single black rabbit in an area it's likely to be an escapee but if you've several then whilst the gene might well have originated in a domestic rabbit it's now established in the wild population.


I have an area where I regularly shoot blonde bunnies. The first time I saw one I shot it in order to check it out but then realised they were about in large numbers and have continued to shoot them for the last 3 years.


I have also shot black bunnies but usually only singletons and have never found a large number in an area.


I also think that so called 'orange' bunnies are simply that colour due to the soil/sand they burrow through. Have you seen the way some sand dyes your skin?

Edited by Highlander
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In my area there are certain places where I often see black rabbits - usually 4 or 5 at a time amongst a group fo 20 or so. I don't shoot in those places but I'm not sure I'd shoot the black ones. As a kid I always remember my grandad saying it was unlucky to kill them! I'm sure it was just another one of his (great) tales - but it would make me think twice I must admit

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