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Muntjac control in Oxfordshire

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I am an experienced shooter living near the town of Thame, Oxfordshire. I own about 1,000 acres of land and shoot pigeon and pheasant extensively. We currently have a muntjac infestation and although i hold a shotgun licence i do not hold a firearms licence, and therefore do not own a rifle. I am looking for an experienced deer hunter willing to come out in the evenings to help control these muntjac, I hope that you wouldn't mind if i tag along, I do know the best places to shoot them and where they cross open ground etc...


I am not offering any payment, seeing this more as a shooting opportunity than a pest control job, you will be able to keep anything you shoot. I shoot allot of pigeon on the land and dont currently own a gun dog due to travelling commitments, so anyone who helped me out with this deer issue and has an interest in pigeon shooting and rough shooting in the winter, im sure we can come to an arrangement :(


This would be a fairly informal arrangement, we would set up a time, you would come out to the estate, and we would go out together with the rifle and possibly a few drinks and some grub and just stalk some deer. If that sounds good to anybody please send me a message.






PS: I just checked and the land is not cleared for firearms use, and getting the police out here will probs take a while, so could I please only have responses from people with open licenses, thanks alot.hi there.just getting my dsc1,if you havent got enuff help already i would love to come over and give you a hand.and i have an open ticket.got plenty of experience with foxes,been shooting for about 15 years and am very carefull.got insurance cover by basc.thaanks for reading.

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I am an experienced shooter living near the town of Thame, Oxfordshire. I own about 1,000 acres of land and shoot pigeon and pheasant extensively. We currently have a muntjac infestation and although i hold a shotgun licence i do not hold a firearms licence, and therefore do not own a rifle. I am looking for an experienced deer hunter willing to come out in the evenings to help control these muntjac, I hope that you wouldn't mind if i tag along, I do know the best places to shoot them and where they cross open ground etc...


I am not offering any payment, seeing this more as a shooting opportunity than a pest control job, you will be able to keep anything you shoot. I shoot allot of pigeon on the land and dont currently own a gun dog due to travelling commitments, so anyone who helped me out with this deer issue and has an interest in pigeon shooting and rough shooting in the winter, im sure we can come to an arrangement :yes:


This would be a fairly informal arrangement, we would set up a time, you would come out to the estate, and we would go out together with the rifle and possibly a few drinks and some grub and just stalk some deer. If that sounds good to anybody please send me a message.






PS: I just checked and the land is not cleared for firearms use, and getting the police out here will probs take a while, so could I please only have responses from people with open licenses, thanks alot.

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hi mate,i am an experienced deer stalker with over 20 years experience,i have a certificate in deer management and worked as a stalking guide in sweden.I live in the midlands,so not far away.I expect you've been swamped with replies already but if you still want some help,drop us a line.Have a good one,mark,

Edited by nickbeardo
removed private contact details
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hi mate,i am an experienced deer stalker with over 20 years experience,i have a certificate in deer management and worked as a stalking guide in sweden.I live in the midlands,so not far away.I expect you've been swamped with replies already but if you still want some help,drop us a line. Have a good one,mark,



Best to remove your number mate

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