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AA S410 - repeated cocking finger sore !

Salop Matt

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On saturday evening I shot a new permition for the first time. I havent used the air arms in 10 - 12 months so had 10-20 shots at targets to refamiliarise myself with it. Well after these shots i probobly had a further 35 shots. Well by the end of this the 2 creases in my first finger that i use for cocking with were really sore.


Is it just me who has found this or do others get it ? I dont get it with my 2 CZ`s !







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Well by the end of this the 2 creases in my first finger that i use for cocking with were really sore.


Is it just me who has found this or do others get it ?





I get something like this when i play with my chopper for too long...

dreadful cramps and blisters.

I don't notice it while i'm at it because i'm concentrating so hard on keeping it up while being careful not to go over the neighbours and hitting their washing.

Sounds like you need some lube, your cocking action is too stiff.

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