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Shooting over Ripe Barley


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I shot a field or ripe barley on monday i shot around 70 odd there were hundreds flying about all day long ( i set up at 3 and finished at 6.30 ish) , really good numbers about and good to see! I have been watching the field everyday before and everyday after, i check the field any time from 3-6 and every time i check it there are hundreds in the trees and flying about but never feeding on the field! i have watched for over an hour and they just sit in the trees. I was thinking that this could be that they have fed early in the morning and are not eager to eat. So if they are not feeding hard in the afternoon must be at first light? i have shot at first light a few times but never really succeeded? also is it better to set up at say 5.30 when the pigeons might already be on the field? or is it better to set up for when the pigeons first get to the field? or is shooting at first light not really that great? I always find that if u shoot first thing and u scare them off they will just sit around till there hungry and then feed later, so you have to sit it out to shoot them in the afternoon!

I dunoo really i'm just after some advice from the pros!

All help and opinions would be appreciated! Thanks.


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Shooting at first light can be good in the right circumstances. I've shot countless 100+ bags when starting at first light in late winter, but not so much at this time of year. I have, however shot from first light on peas and rape stubble at about this time of year and also killed 100+. I tend to think it is far better to start at around 9-10 am at the moment and shoot right through til the evening, but starting in the afternoon can be just as good. That's the beauty of summer shooting, you can get out for a few hours at any period of the day and make a good bag.

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