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Late evening on standing wheat

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As with protom I have had alot of birds showing on standing wheat anywhere there is power lines.


I arrived late 1945hrs to find birds pouring into the wheat as first it seems impossable to shoot without major damage to crop but a little walk out into the wheat revealed a massive 4 acre short and poor area that at best was 12 inchs high .


I could setup under the telegraph poles without causing damaged to wheat and the plus side of some short canes made the birds stand out well.

The whirly was useless as the ground was like concrete and I could not get it in the ground I thin I would have shot even more if I could have set this up.


I will go up the week and drill a hole ready I think there is a 100 plus bag to come in the next week as I managed 42 in under a hour with ease.


I have some picts but its hard to see how poor the crop and where the birds have beaten it down, not much return per acre on this field.


All the best OTH






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nice bit of sport that. from the pics that peticular patch of crop looks very poor was it it waterlogged through the winter


No its on a very sandy patch our town is one big sand hill, I think its down to hard frosts and rabbit damage to this area.


Cheers OTH

Edited by Over the hill
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