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Flight Lines


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After my shocking day the other day I decided to go back to the farm with a note pad pen and watch. Was hard at first sitting there watching a stream of birds coming in with no gun but I carried on and it turned out to be really interesting.


I have managed to identify 2 clear flight lines that had a constant steam of birds for the 4 hours I was there and did not let up, I have marked these on my map with some good areas for the hide and also marked the wind possition for that day so when I am next there I can see if it has changed.


Now after realising I was getting slightly obsessed with this I packed up and went home for a rest.


The question that has been bugging me is are the flight lines going to be the same tomorrow or do they change? I will find out over time but I thought I would ask and see what you all thought as if they are mainly fixed then this would be a huge bonus but I do not think I am that lucky,,,,,,, :drinks:

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After my shocking day the other day I decided to go back to the farm with a note pad pen and watch. Was hard at first sitting there watching a stream of birds coming in with no gun but I carried on and it turned out to be really interesting.


I have managed to identify 2 clear flight lines that had a constant steam of birds for the 4 hours I was there and did not let up, I have marked these on my map with some good areas for the hide and also marked the wind possition for that day so when I am next there I can see if it has changed.


Now after realising I was getting slightly obsessed with this I packed up and went home for a rest.


The question that has been bugging me is are the flight lines going to be the same tomorrow or do they change? I will find out over time but I thought I would ask and see what you all thought as if they are mainly fixed then this would be a huge bonus but I do not think I am that lucky,,,,,,, :drinks:

On the fields that I shoot the flight lines are carved in stone, but then the wind does not change very much either


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Flightlines are definitely NOT carved in stone, they vary greatly. Depending upon the time of year, the birds may come from a different roost location every day, when atmospheric pressure, rain, direction and speed of wind, and not least food source and supply will influence where they go. In summer birds travel much longer distances than when they are flocked up in winter months and a good water supply (river) in hot weather is essential each day. Other shooters in the immediate area AND miles away can often influence summer flight lines without you knowing or realising, some of you will have noted how when you've been pitched up and getting the birds to your pattern, a killjoy comes into a neighbouring field lower down the flightline serving you, which then dries up as the birds drop straight into the killjoy. That's called flightline disturbance :good: .

Watch and observe as often as you can, take nothing for granted and remember that there is no logic to woodpigeon or pigeon shooting (my father taught me that when I was knee high to rape stubble :blink: )


OK I know what yous thinking - well, I might be a girl but I shoot a side by side with two triggers and I know which one fires the choked barrel.

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I think both the above have a point. Yes, some flightlines can change from day to day or hour to hour, but there are some that never seem to vary. And there is logic to wood pigeon shooting. It's just that we don't always understand it.

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