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A400 Xplor


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That is the conclusion I keep coming back to. Do you know if the xtrema 2 is lighter than the xtrema 1?


have a good weekend all


I dont mate. Im sure you would be able to find something on the internet somewhere :blink:


The 400's kick off (KO) is very soft and will ''activate'' (if you like), with a moderate pigeon cartridge, as it is designed to do as its an upland/game gun. A heavy goose load will just ''bottom it out''.


The Xtrema2 KO is much stiffer and only really activates with heavier loads making it ideal for wildfowling / goose loads


Hope that makes some sence :rolleyes:

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I think the A400 kick-off is probably "softer"at the butt pad as it has an additional third dampner which is struck by the bolt after the shell is fired,pre-obsorbing some of the energy,the A400 has a different type of gas vent system,which lets more gas escape with the heavier shell,i've seen one stripped down,I think this all adds upto a completly different way of dealing with spent gas and energy from heavier loads over previous models,From those I've spoken to who have kick-off's on their guns they all bottom out

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