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pup 12 weeks old training

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Hi guys

My Lab pup is twelve weeks old and wonderd what at this stage i should be teaching him.

I presume the first things are recall,heel and sit.Should i be making it all light hearted training or doing it by the book.ie should i at this stage have a check cord on him for recall work.Do i try to get him to walk to heel with his nose by my left knee at this stage or just be happy he obn a lead and trotting along.Please guys i need some help.

Cheers Lee

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Until the pup is around 8-12 months old I would just do play training, the most important is recall firstly by name then introduce the recall whistle, 2nd sit again verbal then whistle ( 1 peep ) I never give my dogs treats when doing good as this can cause problems when retrieving as some dogs will spit the retrieve ready for its treat, I always use lots & lots of praise. Never chastise the pup for retrieving ANYTHING just plenty of praise, take the retrieve of the pup & if it was something it should not of had then put it out of reach.



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Sit for his food, and teacing him to come when called by giving him lots of praise and encouragement, learning to walk on the lead without pulling, that is all until he is much older. If you rush it you may ruin your pup :yp: best of luck!


Thanks for the replys guys,ive taken onboard all you have said and im sure i will be after some more advise very soon.

all the best Lee

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Just picked my pup up yesterday she is 7 weeks old.

Im just concerntrating on calling her to me at present, more of a case she is already coming to me when i call her name and give her some encouragement.

Will start her sittingat meal times shortly, but the important thing is the bonding of you and the pup, something I am doing every chance i get at present..

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