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aa s410 vs aa s410tdr


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The TDR has a lot less shots than the s410 classic or s410 carbine. Appart from that they are basically the same action, internals etc. They use the same magazine etc.


I did consider the TDR when I bought my s410carbine, but realised that for me the take down capability would be more of a gimick than practical. I mean, how many times would i need to take the gun appart to carry it anywhere. Then knowing my luck id see a monster rabbit and by the time id assembled the gun he`d have legged it.


Not only that, the TDR seems to be more expensive than the s410 carbine. Ive seen the carbine for as little as 380 recently second hand and yet the TDR`s ive seen have been around 460quid! Thats a big difference in price just so you can pack the gun in a laptop bag.


I find the carbine is quite a short gun anyway, especially compared to the s410 classic. Its nice and easy to handle and fits in my car boot no problem. Its a bit easier for me to carry about the fields as its lighter and when shooting from a car or jeep its shorter length makes it easier to handle than the classic version.

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thanks for the replys, can you estimate what sort of shot count id expect on the tdr, carbine and classic?


what would you recommend .22 or .177 "its for sub 12 ftlb use and hunting / target


is there anything i need to know whilst looking for an s410? what sort of problems do i need to look out for?




thanks again



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