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new to the flock

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i'v been into falconery for about 4 years now since my dad took a harris hawk from a local falconery center because it was losing weight and getting old and they didnt have the time for it he kept it for 2 years untill it died.then he got a male peregrine but this was to much for him so he gave it to a friend. then i was offered a harris hawk male about a year ago which i had and have flew him most weekend and school holidays since and my dad has now just bought a female so we can fly them together. i like harris hawks because they are easy to look after and unlike falcons you can cast them up a tree and they will follow you and most of the action happens really close you can also hunt them in packs.


i have never flown or been out with many other kinds of birds so i cant tell you which would be easyest to look after but i think if you have a harris hawk or a buzzard as your first bird you cant go far wrong. :sick:  :sick:

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I mainly use peregrines for bird control on a MOD airfield, you are pittng one of natures natural methods to disperse birds as a course of flight safety. Of course the day goes better if you catch your intended quarry thus inforceing into the local bird population that if you fly around here you'll get chased. Most of our target species are rooks, crows and starlings.

We use other methods, Shotgun(when there dead they don't come back),pyrotechnics and Bio Acoustic Bird scarring (BABS)

Before you start get plenty of reading on the subject and try to view a couple of videos. Birds are not like a gun where there put away and used every so often. They are like athletes the fitter they are the more success you will have. I fly every day weather permitting.

Try and sound out someone local to you and see if you can become sort of a apprentice before you make the step of owning a bird.

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We are required to apprentice , I believe it is two years before we can apply for a falconry licence. I'm thinking of taking a course through Matt Lieberknecht,s Falconry school. He is apparently one of the most knowledgable hawkers in Canada. Studied in Germany for 12 years, and has been flying here for I think it is 15 years. It's a week long course that is 95% hands on and covers training technics, feeding, care of the bird, choosing equipt., medical and veterinary aspects. You have a bird assigned to you that you train from start until total freeflight and return, I would imagine these birds have been through this before.

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