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the pelt man

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Went Ferreting new years day for a couple of hours.

Netted up 18 holes and sent down my little girl.

after a few min's with nothing happening i got out the finder, found that she was latched on so out came the spade.

Half hour latter and just under 4 feet down through thick clay she came back out the tunnel i sent her down, bloody chops told me she had latched on. I said to my mate as we was only a half foot or so to dig to reach the tunnel we should carry on digging to get out the Rabbit. A few min's latter found a big old Buck gripping the sides of the tunnel with all fours. Got him round neck and after plenty of pulling managed to get him out. As i dispatched him my mate said he could see the leg of another Rabbit reached down and pulled out a dead doe. I then said lets drop the Ferret down the hole and see if there were any more down there. As i lowered her in her tail starrted to flick back and forth yep another one in there so my mate reached down pulling out a live Doe, We lowered Her down again and the tail started to twich again and again my mate pulled out another Doe. As he was dispatching this one i looked down only to see the head of a Rabbit pop out the hole in the tunnel and back again. Yet again my mate reached far into the hole and pulled out a small buck.


5 Rabbits from one dead end tunnel ( pun not ment).


The moral of the story don't just leave digging if the Ferret comes back out. You don't know what you will find.


And the walk back to the car was filled with laughter as visions of paul daniels pulling Rabbits out a top hat came to mind. :lol::D:/

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I believe I read somewhere that 19 were once pulled from a dead end tunnel, but I don't know where , or when.


The most I ever had was five, but often got two, or three.

A lot of the land I worked then had shallow earths, which may have had a few more dead ends due to tunnels collapsing, but at least they were easy to dig.


I have had some overnight lay-ups on very deep earths (too deep to dig without a JCB) and assumed these were multiple rabbits up a dead end.


I think most ferrets will leave a dead rabbit, but when they know there are still live ones further down the tunnel, they are reluctant to leave.

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