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another fox bites the bullet


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Hang on a minute folks - Frenchie got the wrong end of the stick with regards Snowz question but only one person was incinuating physical violence - from an obnoxious bystanders perspective (moi :yes: ) there's more than just a hint of irony there based on some of the comments :good:



He didn't get the wrong end of the stick, he even repeated what he said in the next post and no sign of "sorry i got the wrong end of the stick" or apology.


I said "if" i met him after the first reply i would want to smack him in the mouth etc, not that i was going to. just the way he replied showed attitude and aggression towards me!!


If he had the wrong end of the stick and thought he was wrong in what he said he would of said so, since then all he has done is display an attitude problem.



i have met dozens of people off several shooting forums and met up on their shoots and mine,i have made some very good friends i shoot with on regular occasions and i have not had a problem with anyone till he replied after i was just being friendly. The whole point of these forums is to meet people, help people and show a good time not to be like he was.



the end of the day i dont care i can take it or leave it, i choose to use the forum and if i dont agree with someone on here i will just avoid them and their threads and they can do the same to mine

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Now then FB, not like the "saint of PW" to lose your cool mate, have to admit though, raining everyday for the last 5 WEEKS, as it has done up here, is enough to get the most chilled of us a little frustrated!!!

You spend months looking forward to a nice summer of shooting and spend most of it watching the rain hit the windows on your house. :good:

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was speaking to dave yesterday. he said there sint as many about as there was this time last year. im sure it will pick up.


i will be back on that farm by me from sept 1. had a lot of there not bad for 365 acres. average 2 a night off there and had 4 off there in 3 hours the once.


got to big 40 acre fields to have a bash on also lots foxes about as no one else round the herefordshire ,wocestershire borders shoot them so the farm owner said.

muntys all over the shop to

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