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Fox call Sequence


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its not daft!


bit like calling ducks and geese listen and imitate..........


when a rabbits squeaks its gen longish pityfull single calls which tail off at the end, plenty of stuff online. However a mouse like call short short soft squeaks can also work very well however sometimes a call haves the effect to turn them away! I only call if i want to try to bring one closes or stop it others wise i dont call, i just lamp and shoot other than to try to bring one out a wood or cover

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I have called a lot of foxes in the last few weeks using the back of my hand (both daylight & night) so don't bother much with fox calls; however, I do carry one for a bit of variation. I think you can judge a lot by the fox; if the fox is sprinting in, you don't need to be calling much, whereas if it is a bit more wary then you may have to have a bit of variety in your call using different pitches and tones.

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Thanks Guys

I did go out last night and had a mooch around the pens etc but no sign of Mr Fox.

I did put some pigeons down and 2 of the 3 were gone so i found a dead pheasant last night and put that down in the same spot, so hopefully will be back up there on Monday to give it another go.


The only animal i did see was a Muntjak which popped out 20ft from me to see what all the noise was about, then after about 20 secs it decided it had enough and went off on its way.

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I think most people get it wrong by starting really really loudly!


Start off gently for 5-10 minutes - if nothing is moving up the level, might be a charlie right under your nose.


I use a u caller, also sqeak with my hand - mostly the later if im honest, works as well as anything.

Edited by Hot-Shot
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Daft question but is there any sort of sequence to use when using a fox call, which immitates a rabbit better so to attract the Fox in.. High/low pitch shorter/longer etc


I don't think there is a hard and fast rule. As each situation is different. You just have to use some judgement based upon experience.


I've had foxes totally ignore rabbit and hare squeals then come racing in to mouse and squirrel squeaks.


When doing what the americans call still hunting. I always when getting to a new location just sit and watch for 10-20minutes before starting to call. Volume, type and length of call then depends upon the circumstances at the time. I always wait 10-15 minutes after I've finished calling before moving to another location as I've lost count of the times that a fox has shown up just as I was getting set to move off.

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