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Various stocks and forends for sale


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Looking to buy another game gun for the coming season so am going to have a clear out of various stock and forend sets that have accumulated over the years!!

I was going to stick them on evilbay but thought I would just drop them on here to see if the is any interest?:cry1:??




These are fom the top:

Remington 1100 forend

Savage vietnam issue stock (military markings)

Remington 3200 forend (repaired crack)

Browning/Miroku long tang stock and forend set - this was fitted to a my miroku 3800 trap and has a parallel comb, beavertail forend

Mossberg 500/600 stock and forend set

Savage/Stephens stock and forend set with trigger unit - repaire to stock


If you want further info or individual photo's drop me a pm



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may be interested in the stevens stock/forend depending on price and whether

it will fit a stevens 79 pump.




Pretty sure it will fit a model 79 - does your gun have a top safety? If it doesn't you will have to use the trigger unit that comes with the stock to make it fit. I have some other stevens bits and pieces in a box somewhere, bolt, extractors, springs and pins etc - will have a sort out if you are interested. £50 plus post would get you the stock set with trigger and for a bit extra I would chuck in what other bits I have



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