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My new Side by side


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Hi all just sharing my experience with what seems like an age old argument, side by side or over and under. I first purchased an over and under and found it very hard to use both eyes when swinging for targets, I kept seeing my left eye view first I'm guessing from the larger profile of the side view of an over an under (if that makes sense). I picked up a friends side by side and I shot instantly better with it regardless of bad fit, I was able to focus on the target easily and generally felt more instinctive often not thinking about where the gun was at all. I've bought a side by side and am much happier now :cry1: each to their own I spose.


Hope this is of some interest



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I just think they are just easier to carry broken walking up and easier to load the second shell having less gape. Strong pull from the left eye used to be an issue for me and i had to squint my non dominant eye to avoid it when i was a young guy


Although it remains an option for some OUs, I still think that the more usual double trigger on a SbyS is a far better option and particularly in a pigeon hide.


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