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West Mercia - Varition times

Salop Matt

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Has anyone in the west mercia area done a varition or grant lately for FAC ? how long did yours take ?


If so when did you do it and how long did it take ? Iv got a shooting oppertunity next week and I have a FAC AIR rifle on hold for me and wanted to take that as apposed to my rimmies . I also asked for open ticket !


My FLO visited me last week on monday and said the office lot and hindlip police HQ would have it for wednesday for there action !

Ive seen a few folk have got a variation turned round in a fortnight and I a desperatly hoping for the same. Getting a variation is more exiciting than christmas ! lol

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are you sure he said it would be at Hindlip Hall as the firearms Department moved to Malvern police station a while back and thats the address for the west Mercia firearms department.


mine went in a few weeks ago for open ticket and variation still no reply back

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Has anyone in the west mercia area done a varition or grant lately for FAC ? how long did yours take ?


If so when did you do it and how long did it take ? Iv got a shooting oppertunity next week and I have a FAC AIR rifle on hold for me and wanted to take that as apposed to my rimmies . I also asked for open ticket !


My FLO visited me last week on monday and said the office lot and hindlip police HQ would have it for wednesday for there action !

Ive seen a few folk have got a variation turned round in a fortnight and I a desperatly hoping for the same. Getting a variation is more exiciting than christmas ! lol


not long had a variation and it took 7days. they can be pretty good . touch wood ive never waited more than 2 weeks. but i do let firearms officer run his dogs in my fields lol :blink:

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Well holey smoakes ! I called and asked nicely and begged as one should who wants his variation, this was on tuesday............ Lunch time today was like christmas, I walked in to see it there on the door matt :):good::angry:


I am very happy and will be showing my gratitude buy posting them a nice thankyou card and box of chocolates as they have done a good job and i feel they deserve to know how much its appreaciated.



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My coterminius took 2 weeks from visit to landing on the doorstep that was with a variation as well,but there are some details on the shottie certificate that are wrong so that will have to be returned,still they said they would sort it quickly,can't knock West Mercia for there times

Edited by barney 66
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