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FAC question

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just wanting to know if there would be any problem me getting a fac for a air rifle . ive never tryed but dont like NO's lol. i know it says if you have been in jail you cant get one but how long in jail counts? 5 years back i had the deside weather to pay the fine or do the days , and at the time didnt have the money to pay it so i got 1 week behind bar's , will that be nuff to stop me getting one? also if im not keeping the rifle on my propatie , will they still have to come out to see me? i dont have any permission yet , but would like to have my full fac before hand so at least im ready for the work .....

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It all depends what you did. Be 100% honest on your application, because they will find out.


You need permission to shoot or to be a member of a club or no FAC. Period. You need a reason to have a firearm and you don't have one.


If I was in your position I would ring the local police firearms department and talk to them. There is a question on the form asking if you have ever been refused a certificate or had one revoked. It would be better to take the police's advice and wait a while to apply than apply and have it refused.

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As mentioned above, its down the the offence and it will all be taken as a very individual circumstance.


And also it may seem odd, but you need land for an FAC, even though realistically you need an FAC for land.... " Hi, can I shoot your foxes please, here fill out these forms, let this officer walk all around your land, i'll be back in 6 weeks with a gun?!"


Strange innit!

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not sure what "convictions" they hold against you in totalbut any blemish against you doesnt bode well. they dont need much excuse to refuse FAC. you will need land to shoot on, and as much as you can get permission on before applying. the more land owners you can show have faith ad trust you the better for your cause.



you dont state whether you already shoot an air rifle (non FAC). The FEO will ask what experience you have in shooting, if you turn around and say "none", then you wont be granted FAC until you have some.


good luck, but make sure you cross all t's and dot all i's before applying..if you get refused then your second app will be even more difficult to get one!

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the time away was down to metro fare dodging back when i was a kid , over 10 years ago. they found me and took me to court , they asked for £1000, but as i was only weeks away from my first child so i asked them for the days instead. so a week at hmp for me. ive owned and shot airrifles on and off all my life and i must admit im a canny good shot lol. as for the safe i will be keeping it in belongs to a mate who has a shotgun certificite and has had all the checks for his guns . so thats one less thing to worry about . but i will call in to the local cop shop and ask there advise . and try to get some permission for shooting rabbit first then work my way up . thanks for the replys guys

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the time away was down to metro fare dodging back when i was a kid , over 10 years ago. they found me and took me to court , they asked for £1000, but as i was only weeks away from my first child so i asked them for the days instead. so a week at hmp for me. ive owned and shot airrifles on and off all my life and i must admit im a canny good shot lol. as for the safe i will be keeping it in belongs to a mate who has a shotgun certificite and has had all the checks for his guns . so thats one less thing to worry about . but i will call in to the local cop shop and ask there advise . and try to get some permission for shooting rabbit first then work my way up . thanks for the replys guys


I would check with your flo to see if this is possible because if your mate only has a sgc he wont be able to keep a fac rifle in his cabinet.

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