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What a Grand Morning!


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One of my Farmer/Friends who allows me to shoot on his land has been quite ill recently so I have been trying to help out a little by watching over and checking on the few cattle he has in the evenings when I go out to bait and set the cage trap and again checking on the cattle in the mornings when I go to check the trap. I always take a rifle and my camera just in case there is anything about or a fox in the trap and I enjoy my few minutes of "quiet time" on my own as the sun is trying to break through (Quite a rare thing nowadays)! This morning when I went up to the farm (Which is only a 4 or 5 minute drive from my home - Certainly less than a half a mile) I was greeted by some wonderful scenes of the morning mist still lying in patches while the sun was breaking through and starting to burn the mist off so I took a few photos that I thought I might share with you.

The first photo is going up the driveway which made it look like I was going to drive straight in to the mist. I have a great deal of the permission here which goes right over the brow of the hill and skyline and then joins another 2 farms that I have permission on. I have had some very good fox shooting from here!

The second photo is again of the mist at the rear of the farm which is where I have a cage trap. The trap does not do a lot of good here but the farmer's wife likes it kept and set there as she has a pen with pheasants in it close by. This scene was very "atmospheric" with the mist lying as it was - Unfortunately the photo does not do it full justice as the sun was trying to break (through towards the top left corner) and "fooled" my exposure meter a little.

The third photo just shows a few of the cattle I watch over. I have included this photo as the woods in the centre/left of the photo hold a herd of Roe Deer which, even though I have permission to shoot them we have decided not to until the heard grows in numbers a little more. Unfortunately none of the deer wanted to be photographed this morning.


These photos might seem a bit boring to some of you but I have put them up because they show why I love mornings like this morning so much, it makes getting out of bed a pleasure!




Edited by Frenchieboy
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Dont knock it it frenchi, I would give a nut to have a permition like that ! :good:


I'm not knocking it now, never have done and never will. Even though I was brought up on the Cotswolds (Which I love) I would not think about moving from the area I am in now, it's the "ruggedness" that gives this area its caharator! As for the permissions that I have up in this area, they might not have much on them but walking on them shows me something new every day, and that is worth the effort it takes to cover some of them every time!

To be quite honest I feel very blessed and fortunate to have the permissions and the Farmer/Friends that I do have in this area! If ever you are up in this area drop me a line and I would be happy to introduce you to the farmers who would allow me to take you out on my permissions!

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These photos might seem a bit boring to some of you but I have put them up because they show why I love mornings like this morning so much, it makes getting out of bed a pleasure!


Nice pic's Frenchie, I have the same feelings, dawn is by far my favourite time of day all year round :good:




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