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Northen pigeons!

adam f

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Found myself driving up the M1 on business today from Dorset, staying in Wetherby tonight.... boy oh boy do you chaps up here have some pigeons!


I was out on Sat back in Dorset and they are so spread out across the fields finding more than a dozen feeding together is a nightmare! Driving up the M1 around the Leeds area every other field was heaving with them!


Is this normal, or just the time of year for you 'Northern' chaps?! :rolleyes:

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Found myself driving up the M1 on business today from Dorset, staying in Wetherby tonight.... boy oh boy do you chaps up here have some pigeons!


I was out on Sat back in Dorset and they are so spread out across the fields finding more than a dozen feeding together is a nightmare! Driving up the M1 around the Leeds area every other field was heaving with them!


Is this normal, or just the time of year for you 'Northern' chaps?! :rolleyes:

were just lucky mate !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It was the farmers secret singal this weekend to harvest everything that moved! Every farmer on my permissions was out cutting or bailing something. I think we just had a decent few dry days that meant it made sense and it brought them all out!


Problem was, at least in the Northwest, there was that much food on offer they were moving freely and not sticking to anyone area!

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Well on the way back South this afternoon I saw 2 seperate sets of pigeon magnets in motorway side fields, and another set of low lofted deeks just south of Leeds on the M1 - amazing! Ive never ever seen any decoys in fields whilst driving around the South West - once I got past Oxford the numbers of pigeons in the fields dropped right off, and it's devoid in Dorset!


Lucky beggers!

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Well on the way back South this afternoon I saw 2 seperate sets of pigeon magnets in motorway side fields, and another set of low lofted deeks just south of Leeds on the M1 - amazing! Ive never ever seen any decoys in fields whilst driving around the South West - once I got past Oxford the numbers of pigeons in the fields dropped right off, and it's devoid in Dorset!


Lucky beggers!


We got loads of them too!!!

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