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Hatsan Escort 20 gauge or webley 820? Light?


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Im thinking about buying an escort or 820, does anyone have any advise on which one to go for? I am also wondering if they are light guns for semi autos? Ive really no idea at all but an 820 with 28inch barrel weighs 6lb 4oz, is that light?


Thanks guys



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28inch barrel weighs 6lb 4oz, is that light?


Been looking at this myself recently, 6lb 4oz is 6.25lb or 2.84Kg the lightest Semi auto is the Franchi Fast Pro 12G at 2.45Kg the normal Fast is 2.85Kg so pretty light Franchi are generally light as they are alloy not steel The falconet is quite light most semis are 3kg ish .1.5 in 12G. Franchi 720 Raptor 20G is 2.8Kg Falconet 20G O/U is 2.45Kg. (those weights are with short barrels......) so they get significantly lighter as far as i can tell, Lincoln do an O/U 20G Xlight that is 2.3 Kg

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The 20g Hatsan that I owned was perfect for carrying around my shoot or standing waiting for a shot without it getting uncomfortable.


If I were to buy another I would definitely buy the Hatsan again in black synthetic.


Hatsan have their critics I know, but Webley seem to go bust and get taken over every other week and their autos must be far less popular for a reason IMO.

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