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Tasco 3-9 x 40 WA - thoughts

Salop Matt

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Iv just bought a second hand FAC rapid 7 mk1 ! Its come with a scope on it which I hadnt seen before, so I had planned to sell it for £30 ish to a friend with a cheap springer.





The scope is a TASCO 3-9 x 40 Wide Angle scope. And I have to say I am very impressed with it just scanning through it and found it strange with the wide angle effect on it ! Bit it seems to give a real good image, It has a 30/30 ret. I was looking to replace it with a MTC Cobra 3-9 x 50 mil dot ! But not so sure anymore.


Iv never really used mill dots much although I was intending to start to ! And is the larger 50mm lense really going make that much difference in low light over the 40mm ? Iv shot plenty of stuff with a 44mm lense on a Mamber !


So what do folks recon ? Anyone else got one of these tascos or had one ? I would be curious to know how others found them !

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I recently sold a Tasco Golden Antler on here with mixed feelings. I bought it on a whim (I'm a bit like that when it comes to scopes) but decided to stick with the Varmint II on my FAC Air but still not sure I did the right thing as I was seriously impressed with it. I always think that the front end being bigger won't help if the scope is rubbish in the first place. Just look at all the 6x42 S&B's sitting on foxing/deer rifles where low light quality is very important.

Edited by Colster
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