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Crow decoying


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Hi been pigeon decoying for a few years now for a few farmers in the area , been asked to get rid of a load of crows and rooks from one place , i have bought a few decoys but was just wondering if anyone had any advice on decoying crows etc , i have been told that i will have to get there at the ctrack of dawn to get a reasonable bag . is this true ? i was planning on just using the normal pigeon decoying methods but i obviously know that crows are alot more wary and switched on than pigeons .

any advice would be great . Thanks !!

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Hi Bub, Ive been taking my crow decoys out awhile now when pigeon shooting and they've been only about 20yds away from pigeon decoys and had great results but I also take a caller and when the pigeons go quiet I do a bit of a squawk and you would be surprised at the results. I set the crows out like a diamond about two metres apart and if all goes well you can also use cradles to increase your patten as birds are shot, would even use the magnet if only out for crows. :hmm: and go when ever you fancy , Ive noticed they are flocking regular now and if you have a sheep or cattle field near you should find crows.

Edited by nobby63
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first off though crows do decoy well, the "normal pigeon method " wont work you need a windy day, a field they want to be in but most of all a pattern that will make them interested I use about a dozen flocked full bodied crows set up in a very random but very well spaced group I never have each bird closer than about 9 ft to each other,and keep the Pattern at 25 to 40 yards max from the hide, you will also need a very good hide preferably with a roof and a also a flapper to get your first shot bird onto ( these work wonders with crows) if you get birds coming but not getting close enough to shoot look at your pattern open it up more and try again, stay still keep calling and they will come, 1st light is good (get set up before they come in) but as I am a lazy sod I have had many a decent bag later in the day.


here is a pic to show how far apart I place my deeks





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first off though crows do decoy well, the "normal pigeon method " wont work you need a windy day, a field they want to be in but most of all a pattern that will make them interested I use about a dozen flocked full bodied crows set up in a very random but very well spaced group I never have each bird closer than about 9 ft to each other,and keep the Pattern at 25 to 40 yards max from the hide, you will also need a very good hide preferably with a roof and a also a flapper to get your first shot bird onto ( these work wonders with crows) if you get birds coming but not getting close enough to shoot look at your pattern open it up more and try again, stay still keep calling and they will come, 1st light is good (get set up before they come in) but as I am a lazy sod I have had many a decent bag later in the day.


here is a pic to show how far apart I place my deeks






Thats interesting. Mine are usually all within a 20ft radius in a rough diamond, aither side of a pigeon decoy setup but I'll give that a go and see if it alters things!

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