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another shot on the crows


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hi all

had another go at the crows this morning invited a new shooter who gave

backword last night so as hides were up deciced to give the misses and lab some

practice shot the same field again but they were very wary this time with no wind to keep

them down was pleased with dog as it was her first time sitting behind a fence and having to jump out and back in

with retrieves but never failed once shot 36 crows and 3 proper pigeons this time but not allowed to say how many

cartridges were used :good:

atb dolphin

ps forgot to add misses shot 15


Edited by dolphin
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hi all

had another go at the crows this morning invited a new shooter who gave

backword last night so as hides were up deciced to give the misses and lab some

practice shot the same field again but they were very wary this time with no wind to keep

them down was pleased with dog as it was her first time sitting behind a fence and having to jump out and back in

with retrieves but never failed once shot 36 crows and 3 proper pigeons this time but not allowed to say how many

cartridges were used :good:

atb dolphin

ps forgot to add misses shot 15






nice one mate where are you in cumbria , iam south lakes had a very good year on pigeon seems alot more than usual this year

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you are not to far away dolphin i,m kendal area

cheers paul


i offered the crow shooting the other night on shooting available as i had 2 farms to shoot. Was just offering a day out for someone but then my mates lad asked if he could come but let me down last night so took the missus instead. You were maybe at work or out when i placed it, or you could of shot the other farmif you were available.



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