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Complete Ferreting Setup.


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A complete ferreting set up, perfect for anyone to get into ferret, or anyone who just wants to boost there equipment numbers.


I am selling due to movement of house resulting in the land lady saying no to ferrets.


Pictures might be available later, but I can't find the thing I use to upload pictures from my phone.


Anyways, it contains.


50yrd quickset longnet (in Basket).

1x 1 large ferret box

1x 3 door compartment box (large).


Jack pike game bag.

18x 10z Spun Purse nets most with pegs.

10x 6z Nylon purse nets some with pegs.

Ferret Finder Mk3 Locator.

Ferret Finder mk3 collar.

Ferret Finder MK3M x2 Collars.

Carry case.


(that's a total of 3 collars)


Total Price £260.


Due to the odd size of the long-net, postage is not an opition at this point, but if you are willing to fund petrol, I am happy to meet half way, or deliever myself.


I am not splitting at this time.


Thank you.

Edited by Bleeh
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How much for long net and game bag ?? Posted I see it says won't split but thought I'd try my luck :yes:


They are a bargain at £220, and I'll throw in 3 collars, a finder, two boxes a bunch of purse nets (etc etc) for free!

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