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Ase Ultra S5 sound moderator.


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ASE UTRA S5 sound moderator (not Ultra, can someone edit the title)?




It has been fitted on my .243, but I believe it is suitable for up to .30cal, threaded in 1/2 UNF, and is made from stainless steel.


It's in very good nick, a few stains and scraches and such on it from where tree's and such have rubbed against it, but there are no dents etc.


Less than 200 rounds through it, which has given it peek sound moderation.


They are £275 + postage + RFD fee's, new from there website.


I would like £200.


Many thank




*edit* I will also consider a swap / part exchange either way for a .22lr setup.

Edited by Bleeh
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If you find yourself some very fine wire wool and some light oil those scratches will come out if it's anything like my old one. Where they have a very slightly rough finish bits of staining seem to take hold. It's often not a mark on the mod, rather something that takes a little more bullying to get off that a standard oily rag. Give it a light rub with wire wool and I'll bet it comes up as new. :yes:

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