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Hi all,


just after some advice on bullet heads. As i'm new to reloading there seem to be many choices, where do i start? Can i even make my own bullet heads? Any advice would help loads.




first things first, buy a reloading manual and read it, or find a mentor, somone local who reloads to help you through it.


What caliber rifle you shooting


what twist barrel


what you going to be shooting, paper or quarry


what distances you wanting to shoot out to


familiarize yourself with reloading equipment and what its used for


you can make your own heads but more to it that you think and equipment



just a few things you'll need to tell us to help you out


atb Richard

Edited by snowz
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first things first, buy a reloading manual and read it, or find a mentor, somone local who reloads to help you through it.


What caliber rifle you shooting


what twist barrel


what you going to be shooting, paper or quarry


what distances you wanting to shoot out to


familiarize yourself with reloading equipment and what its used for


you can make your own heads but more to it that you think and equipment



just a few things you'll need to tell us to help you out


atb Richard


Sorry Richard,


Reading the Speer manual vol 14 at the mo. Caliber will be .223 and i'm mostly shooting fox on my land. I like to call them in to around 50M but would like to push that out to 100M knowing my ammo will hit a 10p peice every time? I quite the idea of reloading as a hobby and as i'm 30 years old its either golf or reloading. I shoot a Manlicher pro hunter mountain with a Wildcat suppressor on the end. Hope this paints more of a picture?

Edited by marksman79
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Sorry Richard,


Reading the Speer manual vol 14 at the mo. Caliber will be .223 and i'm mostly shooting fox on my land. I like to call them in to around 50M but would like to push that out to 100M knowing my ammo will hit a 10p peice every time?



what ammo you using at the moment? factory or homeloads


do you know what twist your barrel is?


you will get good results with heads from 40gr up to 80gr all depending on twist rate.


Powder will make a difference


as for ranges the 223 is more than capably of taking a fox down well over 3/400 yds, all about shot placement, but shoot at the distances you feel comfortable and practice on paper at further distances till you get confident at a longer shot.


200 yards in the day isn't far but at night 200 yds under a lamp feel / looks like 300+


it all takes time and practice


the rifle will out shoot the shooter :good:

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My load used to be 52grn A-Max bullets, 25grns of Benchmark powder, Lapua brass, CCI primer and 2.200 COL (length of the round).


A-Max are target bullets so can be bought by mail order. Anything regarded as hunting bullets is classed as a round so you'll have to show your FAC to buy them and they have to be sold to you in person (can't be posted). A-Max work perfectly well though, I've turned many Foxes inside out with them! :good:


As the chap above said, your .223 will kill Foxes out to whatever range you can get a good group. 400 yards + in other words, but that's assuming you can shoot accurately at that range? You have the right idea - keep it as close as possible to be safe but as long as you're capable of putting the bullet in the right place you can afford to push it out a bit further. :D

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in my 1/8 twist i run


60gr V max, 24.5gr Benchmark Fed 205 M primers seated @1.865(my load for my rifle start 10% lower)


before i re barreled it my load was


55gr V max, 25.5grn benchmark cci primers(my load for my rifle start 10% lower)

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