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1st trip new permisson

adam f

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Picked up a new farm a few weeks back - a real beauty, right behind my house, 300 acres of mainly pasture but with a few small copses and a couple of maize fields. Ive not had a chance to shoot it yet due to work commitments, but finally got out this morning.


It's a great rough shoot, a few wild phesent, pigeons, rabbits etc but the maize got cut on Weds whilst I was away and I have been chomping at the bit to get on it.... so I decided to have a few hours on it this morning.


It took me all of 1 min to drive to the maize stubbles (which is a delight after shooting on friends permissons all summer which are up to 1hr away) I parked up and had a walk around - frustratingly the field was full of spilt maize cobs but most of them were empty! Looks like the pigeon had fun whilst I was away!


Anyway I decided to give it a go - I only had 2 hours anyway as family over at lunchtime, and I was keen to 'christen' the shoot. I set up against a hedge - the steatlh camo net was perfect, invisable against the background. I chucked out just a dozen half shell deeks and sat back... the black stuff was everywhere, hundreds off them and they came in straight away, but as I mainly shoot for the pot I'm never too keen on shooting too many so I held out for a piddie... one came in after 10 mins and caught be by surprise but I missed! Anwyay I decided to shoot a few blackies which was good fun and great shooting... before I knew it an hour has passed and I'm getting low on carts, I had just the one pigeon which I was quite chuffed with, a high fast shot.


With the clouds building fast and not long left I decided to leave the blacks and have a little walk to see if I could walk up a phesent - Ive not shot one before.... sure enough about 500 yards into the next field I flushed a nice hen out of the hedge and dropped her with the first shot as she flew away. Very pleased!


I lost a few blackies in the hedge behind, and whilst it's not the biggest bag it was only a few hours work and it was great fun.



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