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Crowhunt in Bavaria


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Last weekend:


4 forum members with blinds got together in south Bavaria for crow hunting.

The some hunters from that region joined us.


The accomodation was really nice :-)




The weather perfect (temps were above 5° and on Sunday morning 12°C) and the view was awesome.



Unfortunately the hunters haven't checked the fly ways of the crows so most of them came from our back into the pattern.

I don't know if my mate in the blind was so overwelmed that he didn't shoot or he was just polite. If he would have had a Semiauto and would have shot everytime we would have had about 60+

So I shot 32 and he (after some time he decided to have a try :innocent:) hit 5.




Next day we were less crowhunters than and more newbies than planed because some of us forgot to set their alarm right.

So I had to hunt with two others in my small blind. Really cosey :angry: Sorry we were four in the blind. A small Muensterlaender joined as too.

He was not used to hunt out of a blind and ripped down the hide every time one of us shot. We he fetched a crow we could obviously see, that he was searching for his owner (how was sitting behind the blind). Even with shouting he always stoped infront of the blind and layed down. But he learned quite fast and at the end everything was fine.




We got 27 this morning.


We always hunted from 7 to 9:30 in the morning.

Sunday morning we got 143 crows in general.





When I am big I will be a great crow hunter too


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Well done.Nice Halloween masks too.


We thought it would fit ;-)


nice socks :D


Well, yes.... :hmm:

The hunters in that region are very traditional. Most of them visit the service on weekend with leather shorts and Dirndl :lol:


WMH!! Sehr gut! veilicht treffen auf die Messe in Dortmund 2011?


I am sorry. We won't. It is too far away and I have some appointments at that time.

But maybe a fellow will go there.

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