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wot FAC gun/air rifle


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ok so as is inevitable i'm looking (through a big pair binos coz it's still very far off :lol: ) into getting a FAC. i'm thingking of getting a .25 air rifle at about 50ftlb as i like the calliber and i'm told that's about the power i'd need to get the most from it also it's probly the most i'd be able to get no my shoot ;) .


but what would you go for or have already? jus to open my eyes to the possibillity of there being other guns worthy of a place on an FAC.

cheers :thumbs:



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having used a S410 tawnado i think this would be the rifle i would opt for, the one i tried was running around the 24F/lbs mark.


there are pleanty of rifles out there to choose from, though have to admit the career and rapid would be very close to the top of my list as well :blink:


Just curiouse but why do you want the funny cals? (eg.20 lightening and now looking at the .25. in my opinion the pellets just are not up to the same standard as the currently available .22's out there. At the end of he day a bunny is not going to care if the 16 grain pellet is .20.22 or .25 (yes i know 16 is a bit on the light side for .25 and a bit on the heavy side for .20 :blink:))


ROB :blink:

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Just curiouse but why do you want the funny cals? (eg.20 lightening and now looking at the .25


did i say that :blink: don't remember anything about the lightning in.20 but i'v always liked .25

i know a head shot is a head shot but a head shot with a .25 jus feels safer/more humane.

there both under rated callibers imo but shooting my .25 supersport and talking to other .25 fans i realise that i need more ftlb to get the most from it.

that an i'v always been a bit odd :blink: :blink:

it might have to be a .22 tho coz i got a quote from ben taylor for a 50ftlb .25 with a 400cc botle for 985 :blink: the 410/400 extra on the list tho.

i'm also interseted in the 17hmr how duz it compare to the .22 rimmy?

won't be getting one...yet :blink: but i'd like to know a bit about em




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my mistake LOL was getting confused with your name LOL


and i didnt say the S410 extra i said the S410 standard rifle (upgarded to FAC power levels of 24F/lbs) i have tried the S410 EXTRA and in my opinion its not as nice to shoot as the standard rifle (and i had a chance to compare both rifles side by side).


ROB :blink:

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